Saturday, August 15, 2009

In the beginning, there was the word.

So why start a blog? Millions of blogs; plus one more? So far, I have resisted the urge to start a blog, fearing that it would be one more distraction from doing something more useful; yet in many recent conversations I have wanted to refer someone to a thought or argument, but without interrupting the stream of our dialog—kind of like inserting a conversational hyperlink. So now I can refer people to my blog on a particular issue.

For the past several months in my conversations with Patrick Gill (my Co-Founder of the Northern Colorado Entrepreneurs Network) I have been provoked to launch into a tirade ("don't get me started..."). Perhaps a blog will allow me to retain the passion, but restrain exaggeration. We'll see. My friend Yann Ropars has been tireless in his insistence that I write a blog in conjunction with the Network, so I thought I'd get my feet wet first with a personal blog.

Then there is the opportunity to explore an idea by writing it down, and then see if I agree (rather like the common need of extroverts to speak in order to know what they think).

Some people's blogs are a tour de force of originality, logic and carefully researched supporting data. How do they have the time? Mine will tend towards unsubstantiated assertions, but at least with the intent of honesty.

There is the danger of engaging in a monologue: dialog is much more important, since all ideas are just stepping stones to better ones. So if there is one of you out there reading, please leave your comments: a blog should be an opening rather than a way of having the last word.


Rolfe Bautista said...

i look forward to more posts :D

Lee Devlin said...

Hi Peter, This is great. I've been looking forward to a blog from you for a while, and now I can see you have one! I will be a faithful reader.

Look forward to seeing you tomorrow evening...
